The Water Tower

The Water Tower
The Water Tower at Dusk

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Letter to MC July 2014 - Ironmills Steps and Landslip

Something we decided to document with the council earlier this year.
Ironmills Steps & Landslip

Gerry and Susan Goldwyre, July 2014.

1. Introduction.

As home-owners of property on Cemetery Road near the site of land slip on council land, we feel we have a duty to provide information and ideas for consideration by Midlothian Council on the possibilities for repair and long term stewardship of the land and associated infra structure at the site of the land slip.

After a meeting with the council officer John Park and Gerry & Susan Goldwyre on July 4th 2014, there is clearly a great deal of shared concern and commonality of approach, to affect a course of action that will be of long term benefit to the community.

2. Ironmills Footbridge.

Whatever the decision regarding the land slip and any repairs to the access steps, it is crucial that Ironmills Footbridge is not affected by any period of non-use and possible dereliction. Mr Park agreed to take back to council an action for the removal of the substantial growth of ivy around the bridge. This will require a submission to Historic Scotland since the bridge is B Listed.

If the bridge is able to be brought back into use it would be appropriate to ensure funding is allocated for the re painting of the bridge and that this cost is not left out of any cost appraisal for repairs to the land slip or steps.

Community groups are willing and able to carry out re painting if this can be permitted under the rigours of health and safety.

3. Eco House RP9

It will be highly likely that council employees and elected representatives will have had their ears burned about the possibility that the house called RP9 built in 2009-2010 is the cause of the land slip. Clearly this is absolute nonsense and there is no need to expand. However, in case of any mis-understanding;

·        house RP9 is not built “off the rock” but is built on a series of  hand dug pads. The pads are consist of a layer of pea gravel on which a concrete pad measuring with an adjustable screw-thread section is placed. The pads then accomodate the ring beam to support the house.

·        if house RP9 was the reason for the land slip it would have been quoted in the Ironside Farrar report.

·        if any hysterical community comments are conveyed to elected representatives regarding the house RP9 and the land slip, it would be very much appreciated if the council would consider a means to deal with that, to prevent mal information spreading in the community.

3. Drainage

Over the 27 years of residence on Cemetery Road, Gerry has a wealth of experience in dealing with the street drains and the septic tank serving all properties on Cemetery Rd.

3.1  Septic Tank By Pass

In 1989 on occupancy of the Dalkeith Water Tower, it was apparent that the odour from the septic tank was a known issue in the area. On investigation Gerry determined that the road drains were emptying into the septic tank. Initially not believed to be the case, after dye was poured into the street drain and the septic tank had been cleaned and left open, it was agreed that the road drains did indeed empty into the septic tank. The council then diverted the road drains to the outlet of the septic tank, by-passing the tank. The septic tank was then able to operate as a septic facility, the odour no longer an issue, and the septic tank was placed on a shared programme to have it emptied every 2 or 3 years. The responsible persons are the Goldwyres, Bankfoot Cottage and Midlothian Council.

It is possible that this chnage has been overlooked and may well be an important factor in the land slip. If the road drains previously had the benefit of a large septic tank to contain flood water, what might be the impact of that containment being lost during heavy rain fall? What if the road drains cannot cope with flood water? What if the septic tank outlet pipe diameter is less than that of the road drain pipe?

We are not sure if this drainage status has been considered by the council and we would simply like to make sure that all are aware of the past change to the septic tank and road drains.

3.2 Soggy path 2012

In Dec 2012 the path area at the top of Ironmills Steps was noted to be “soggy” by local Ironmills park resident Niall Young. Niall alerted Susan Goldwyre stating he considered that the problem was drainage from house RP9. Since house RP9 does not utilise that area for a drain, Gerry alerted the council to the problem. The council found………………………………. And this was repaired by ……………………….

Note - (we have no idea about this repair and what was done. The council do not seem to record their own drainage works)

It is worth noting, as another opportunity for potential hysterical community comments, that it is possible that some local residents still believe that the “soggy” ground in late 2012 was caused by house RP9. This particular matter was raised with Mr Park on July 4th 2014 and a copy of the e mail correspondence between Niall Young and Susan Goldwyre at the time of this incident was given to Mr Park (should anyone wish to read it).

3.3  Past Land Slip on Goldwyre Woodland and Drainage Issues

When the local authority sold the woodland to Goldwyre in year 2000 there had been a land slip under the corner of the tennis courts at the East of the property. A woodland management plan noted the area of concern, highlighted the need to let light into the area and that unless water run off was prevented, the area of slip could erode further. Works to broaden the path were carried out by a “bridge” across the narrow point of the slip and access steps in the steep bank below has allowed the area of slip to be more easily viewed. It is very similar to the appearance of the new land slip on the council ground. There is an overhanging cornice laden with tree roots from mature beech trees above. There is a “bowled out” area of land that had been used as a dumping ground and all manner of materials have been removed and the area planted out. The access steps reach a flat area at the bottom of the land slip where a flat area has wooden edges to create a path. It is clear that this area of land slip continues to move because the wooden edges have bellowed out into a curve over a period of around 10 years. It is perhaps not surprising and perhaps helps the council consider whether or not the new area of slip on the council ground will ever stop moving.

Regarding prevention of further water run off. There has been no success with this action because the tennis club has no SUDS system. However, through research and discussion with older residents it is known that a stepped septic pipe (not a tank) was originally positioned on the hill side, that this pipe became so blocked with tree roots that it leaked at each step and eventually the saturated land washed downhill taking the septic pipe with it.

It is perhaps also worth considering the land slip at Lugton Brae. It is understood that a blocked culvert was discovered during the repair to this land and perhaps there is a similar situation at Ironmills.

Therefore, despite IF noting drainage as a low risk option in the assessment of the council land slip, we would beg to differ and ask that the council take our information into consideration.

4. What To Do?

Whatever option is taken by the council, we are of the opinion that;

-          the full and robust repair of a six figure sum may escalate in cost and it may not take into account costs of services and works to the bridge.  

-          the option to put in herringbone land drainage on the slope may well manage water off the slope but is this addressing the root cause of the water saturation? and if water saturation could be reduced, would there be any need for land drainage pipes that would have to be managed to ensure they did not add to problems in the future if they became blocked?

-          the land reform act already allows for access across the slope no matter its condition. If the council continue to block access to no avail, a less is more approach might be better than the use of Heras fencing and signage to alert public of no access. If the hand rail and steps are removed, the public will create their own short cut path. A simple sign warning of land slip and the alternative path direction will then direct the vast majority of walkers away from the slope and allow the fit and able to continue to use the slope and the bridge as an access to and from Ironmills Park. Heras fencing is both ugly, unacceptable in a conservation area, and will continually be damaged to on going cost and angst to the council.













Ironmills Steps Re Opened for Xmas 2014

From Midlothian Council Web Site

Ironmills steps open again

Published on
The steps at Ironmills Park from Cemetery Road in Dalkeith have reopened on a temporary basis.
The steps have been closed and off limits to pedestrians since March 2013 because of landslip problems.
In September the council agreed to spend around £58,000 in total to reinstate the steps and path.
Interim repairs have been carried out and landslip monitored.
Further work is planned for early spring and the steps will have to close again on a temporary basis.
We’d like to thank residents for their patience.

Works to Ironmills Path - Update 17th Dec 2014

Drainage works at the top of Ironmills Steps were completed last week. Here is a brief resume.
Further poor workmanship was identified at the pipe from the road drains to the outlet of the septic tank. Basically no joint at all, just a hole cut in the pipe, the other pipe laid against it and a layer of concrete on top to keep it all together. We reckon this pipe work was constructed around 17 years ago when the road drains were diverted from the inlet to the septic tank to the outlet.

This "junction" has probably been leaking since the day it was installed. A comment was made by someone that this was the worst drainage construction seen in all time in the construction industry. It doesn't get much worse.

                                     3 photos showing the intersection of the road drains to the septic outlet....

- and what replaced the above


In a fit of reaction to this news about the drainage (along with some very odd Facebook comments from a Jock Cousteau on the "Old Woodburn" site) I sent an e mail to the council. A response the next day offers to document the drainage works and to provide me with a letter stating no impact from our house build or woodland works being a reason for the land slip. Good. So far I have the letter but I'm guessing documenting the drainage works may take a little more time. I don't want to lambast the council any more than necessary but these very shoddy works from the past sit directly above the area where the land slip started.
On realising the extent of the poor drainage works, I also decided to contact the British Geological Survey group. The BGS registered the land slip earlier this year after picking it up via this blog site. The BGS had then communicated with the council but had not yet received the Ironside Farrar report. I sent the report to them and they assessed on paper. A useful exercise I think. I conveyed their reply to the council. Basically BGS are agreeing that the wet summer is the most likely cause but that leaking drains can cause land slip. Also agreeing that the tree roots in this situation are helpful rather than a risk. Latter is the case if a full land slip takes place and the shear force of the roots against rock is a risk. This land slip is really land movement and interestingly BGS describe the land slip as a "shallow event".

This week commening Mon 15th Dec, the council team arrive to make a start on repairing the actual steps. There's a red chute taking concrete down to the dog leg of the path where the worst of the slip has impacted.



Then what happened? The septic tank began to stink. The lid had been moved during the drainage works and some soil had got it. It was due to be emptied and it's on a rota. The neighbour was contacted, agreed to go ahead and within the day G had the tank emptied. Now looking to get a better lid and share the cost of that. Its all go. the end of this week I guess we will have the steps re opened. Hurrah.

Does it end there? I hope not. We need to make some improvements to these steps, as well and the hand rail and fencing. I think some works are planned for Spring time and I know that a joint community council action is in the offing to have a meeting with the council. Ideas such as having a notice board at the top of the steps, that would be good, are in the gift of the community councils.

Lots more to come then but right now G and I could not be happier to see the very poor drainage works completely overhauled.

BTW, the drainage tract in the ground and the search for any water pipes?

                                                               land drain 14/12/14

None found and the soil was bone dry. The drain that has been laid will capture nothing but perhaps it future proofs the situation and therefore not such a waste of funds. Its a very large land drain.

Wonder how much money is left from the original 58K for works to the steps? And wonder if there is anything left for the bridge.

For anyone who might read this blog site after G and I depart this earth, and for Cameron and Susan Manson. He who holds the answer to the drainage holds the answer to it all......

Monday, November 17, 2014

Works To Path Area at Ironmills Steps - Midlothian Council Ground

I did suggest to the council that they try to keep folks up to date with what is happening at Ironmills Steps. Other than the decision made by the council committee to spend a sum of money on the repairs to the steps, there's very little info to be found.

So here is what I know about.

1. On Dec 1st the contractor (Crummock Ltd) will be digging a drainage track on the path from the old opening of the steps as far along as I guess the line of the landslip, heading towards the bowling club. The works will mean that the path will be closed to all for access at this time. God only knows why the council didn't do this 2 years ago, it is the singularly most sensible action required to assess the ground conditions at the top of the land slip.

2. The drainage track will be dug to look for any old water pipes, or perhaps live water pipes, that exist in this area. The information held on file seems to suggest that there is a live water pipe but Scottish Water wouldn't agree with that. Its a long story......

3 (a) After the repair to the road drains recently (one out of 3 drains was found to be leaking) the collector chamber manhole is now to be replaced with 2 new proper manholes. The existing manhole is also leaking, probably has been leaking since it was put in some time ago. That's because its a traffic light box!!!! with a concrete base - and its not integral. Road drain water running into this chamber may find its way into one of 2 pipes leading out of this manhole but not all the water will go into the pipes because the construction is not "sealed" either at the exit point of the pipes nor at its base. Hard to believe, or is it. 

the interceptor chamber below ground.

- and above ground on a wet day. squelch.

UPDATE 17/12. The new replacement drainage pot.
Some 20 times larger than the interceptor chamber.

3 (b) Road Gulley

There are 3 road gulleys and the one nearest our house was found to be defective. The bottom had been cut off the gulley pot and concrete had been used in its place. The pot didn't hold water although that had never really been noticed and nor did it cause any obvious problems. Until these recent works allowed the dry drain to be the conduit of the septic tank smells!

                                                             The new gulley pot in place. 8th Oct 2014

4. There's a repair due to the pipe taking the water from the manhole to the outlet of the septic tank. An interceptor trap (think u bend under your sink) that existed was blocked and was only partially functioning. The trap was replaced with a straight section but I think that still needs to be sorted properly. Not sure.

5. Gerry and I have been asking the council to document the drainage conditions that have been discovered. We are still waiting. We would also like Ironside Farrar to take the drainage conditions into account in their assessment of the land slip failure mode. Amazingly none of the drainage info recently "unearthed" was available to IF when they made their assessment prior to their geotechnical survey.

6. Around the path area outside our house - the SP Energy Networks sub station has been re fenced after I asked SP E N to paint the old metal fence. 

                                   - the lads removing the metal fencing.

Instead of painting it they came along and offered to re fence in wood. It is beautiful, blends in so well and it hides the ugly sub station contraption behind. 

7. Plants in front of the Heras fence. These are my plants. When the Heras fencing is removed (imminently said the council) I will imminently remove my plants. The Heras fencing will soon celebrate its second birthday.

8. Wood chip spread on the path area. That's my doing as well. An opportunity last week to have some wood chip was welcomed. It keeps the path dry-ish. I think the long term plans are to put down grey type 1 path material (yeuch!). In the past the path area here was red whin dust. It was lovely.  

9. The stone wall. I have been asking for years now to have a tree removed from the wall! yes, a tree. It was a fair size, I used to cut it back as much as I could and it was damaging the wall. In a fit of "lets get this sorted" (I probably finally wore them down) the council asked the cemetery boys to remove the tree and all the ivy that was growing there as well. Job done, but it looks a little barren now. 


                                   After - the break in the stone cope is where the tree root had taken over

Justin Venton seemed keen on the idea of planting some native cotoneaster on the path side of the wall and I offered to buy some of that to make sure it happens. It could look really lovely in a few years time, what with the new fence at the sub station, the wall cleaned up and the path material sorted. 

Fingers crossed.

Think that's it, other than plans to have a public meeting with the council to hear what is happening at the steps and the footbridge. That's being planned between Eskbank & Newbattle community council with Dalkeith community council. Hopefully soon.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Extract from IF Report on Ironmills Steps. Vegetation Assessment


As part of the study, a vegetation assessment was undertaken to identify whether the existing vegetation was contributing to or negating against failure of the slope and whether there was opportunity for landscape related works to contribute towards a potential solution. The following section summarises the results of this assessment.
Roger Clark MCLI, a Technical Director of Ironside Farrar with over 20 years practical experience, visited the site on 21st March. Weather conditions were dry following heavy rain earlier in the day.
It is noted the existing topographic survey records the position of areas of slippage but does not record the position and girth of all trees in the study area. This will be required if the project progresses to a further stage together with a tree survey to record species and condition.

Site Assessment
The site is steep with a path down to the river and sits over an exposed rock face gorged out by the River Esk. Tree cover is not particularly dense and comprises mix of mature specimens over 1.5m girth with some new growth. There are a few intermediate sized trees.
Most trees are deciduous, and although a few conifers and evergreen species are present in the area, new growth appears to be mainly birch. Understorey vegetation is well developed, notably ivy. Many trees are in poor condition and much deadwood was noted, but this is not seen as a contributor to the slope stability issue.
The paths are enclosed by fences. These are in the main concrete post and wire, although some vertical bar fences are also present. It was noted that the mature tree at the upper dogleg bend appears to have arrested further slippage from above by the way the vertical bar fence and path have both slewed into the side of the tree. See photograph overleaf. The immediate area to the downslope side of the tree showed no sign of slippage, suggesting the tree was stable when the slip occurred.

Felling the trees will not assist in overcoming slope stability problems at this locus as the soil is not stable. Trees are not the problem and are possibly assisting in maintaining ground stability, particularly on slopes less than 50% (1:2).
There is nothing to suggest that the trees are a problem on the steeper slopes (80%) above the dogleg path where there is at present no slippage visible.
It is considered that removing trees may increase the potential for slippage to occur as an unvegetated slope offers far more opportunity for surface water runoff to develop momentum which may lead to scour of the surface and different type of stability problems.

Trees will always fall off the cliff face into the river as the overlying clayey sands and gravels erode and slide toward the cliff. This is a naturally occurring feature of gorges overlaid by softer material.

It is recognised that trees in good health may have better root systems than those in poor condition and dead wooding and canopy thinning of mature trees may assist in promoting healthy vigorous roots and stimulate regeneration. Coppicing of smaller suitable trees such as birch may also assist in stimulating root development.

Bioengineering techniques should also be considered such as brush layering at the base of slip areas using live willow whips possibly in conjunction with live willow stakes and fascines made from woodland thinnings. There has been a resurgence in the use of this traditional and low cost method of stabilising ground in recent years. Drawing 8162_701 identifies a typical arrangement for this type of technique.

The photograph below shows a rudimentary facine made by utilising the concrete post and wire fence and woodland thinnings already exists at the base of the steep slope above the dogleg path. ***

- No felling of trees to occur.
- Dead wooding and crown thinning of mature trees is recommended.
- Coppicing of smaller trees less than 500mm girth is recommended
- Bioengineering opportunities to be further examined for implementation in next plant dormant season (autumn).

*** - this is the wood pile created on water tower wood…….ahead of our time! photograph could not be copied over though.

Update from Midlothian Council re Ironmills Steps

Council agrees Ironmills steps repairs

The council has agreed to spend around £58,000 in total to tackle the continued landslip problems affecting the steps at Ironmills Park in Dalkeith. 
Published on 
ironmills damage to steps
At a full council meeting today (Tuesday), councillors heard the findings of a report by a specialist engineer, Ironside Farrar on the state of the slope and possible options for the reinstatement of the steps and path.
 Councillor Derek Rosie, cabinet member with responsibility for parks, said: “The steps have been closed and off limits to pedestrians since March 2013.
 “We’d like to thank pedestrians for their patience as this is the main pedestrian access route from Cemetery Road in Dalkeith to the park.
 “Hopefully, we are now on our way to tackling the issue of this closed access route. As the landslip is currently still moving, it is not possible to put a definite timescale on when the steps will reopen, however we are hopeful that the work can be completed by early summer 2015.”
 The money will be spent on halting the landslip and fixing the steps.
 Councillors were told there were three options, the first was to do nothing, the second was to spend a total of around £58,000 on carrying out a series of smaller works (localised solutions) while the third option was to spend between £225,000 and £675,000 on a full engineered solution to the landslip.
 Councillors agreed the second option was the way forward as the third option was beyond the £50,000 initial repair estimate and would also look unsightly in an important historical area.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Dying Sycamore Tree - Herbicide Poisoning?

Sad to report that the most significant sycamore tree in the woodland looks to be dead. It has a tree protection order (TPO) because it is so significant and lovely.

This is how the tree looks today

- about 80% of the tree has lost it leaves and there's scant sign of any secondary buds. There are no other affected trees in the area although another sycamore stump close by showed similar signs of leaf loss and leaf discolouration. 
The tree officer, Ellen, at first thought of lightning, but that was ruled out when the other tree stump had the same signs. Then sooty bark disease was suggested which could arise later following a fungal infection. Ellen strongly advised me to contact the Forestry Research to investigate and I have done that. Samples have been sent to their office and the pathologist said he would get back to me. I waited.....quite some time before eventually they got back to me. From the conversation I gather there's no indication of any fungus but the office seem very focussed on use/abuse of herbicide. I had to look up what herbicide was. I now know that Round Up is a herbicide and I do use that very sparingly on weeds in the street. Well diluted and in a spray. Not enough to kill a mature tree that's for sure.

A few weeks later I am told another pathologist will be in touch and indeed Steve comes along and manages to take samples from higher up the tree. Once again he asks about herbicide and if perhaps the tennis club have used any. I have no idea but the club was open and I ask if I can look. I take a look around the vicinity adjacent to the ailing sycamore.

I find this.

a cross cut tree stump and it's a sycamore. The only reason to cross cut a stump is to aid the action of a stump killer such as a Roundup. 

I then learn about the possibility for trees of the same species to share a root through some sort of fungal? mycorrhizal? activity which promotes the formation of a shared root. It all sounds a bit hard to believe.

There is no sign of any other reason for the death of the tree. Sycamores are robust trees and rarely succumb to fungal infection, this tree has died suddenly and the decay looks like herbicide damage. And yet not another plant in the vicinity of the tree has been affected. So it can't be from overspray. Hard as it is to believe it does look as if the application of a herbicide to the tennis club tree stump may have been translocated into the adjacent sycamore stump and the dying mature sycamore. If this is the case, we need to write this up for others to be aware of the potential for mature healthy trees to be affected by application of herbicide to tree stumps. 

If anyone else has any idea what might have caused the loss of this sycamore I am interested to hear. If anyone else has experience of herbicide use in tree stumps affecting nearby same species trees, again, please get in touch.

It does look as if this huge tree is going to have to be felled. Thats (a) expensive and (b) going to produce a huge stock of wood, more than we will need given our current stock piles. 

We will give it every chance to recover, see if it produces new buds, but it is not looking good. The upside for me is that I actually don't particularly like sycamore and I will be able to plant something else. Then there's the increased light. That's good for my garden plants. But somehow the fact that this tree has been "poisoned" albeit not deliberately, is very sad. It is/was a magnificent sycamore.

- lets hope some of my neighbours are not moved to say I deliberately poisoned this tree myself. Why would I think that might be possible I wonder?


Useful info on this link.